United States

Claire, Annabelle, and Brynn. Founders of Capital Region Menstrual Health.

schenectady NY,

Our founder and director, Ellie, has been a local to Schenectady, NY for 40+ years. Charlotte’s family is from Schenectady and she is now planting roots there too.


A community event to help us with the production of our MoonCatcher Kits.

Check out our Calendar for the next public MoonBee.

Period Pantries

Free menstrual health products made accessable to menstruating people in need.

We are very excited to be taking on four new Period Pantries in Schenectady, NY. Check out our Period Pantry page.

Elsewhere. . .

Our kit can be made by individuals who have sewing experience, access to a good quality camera, and an email account! If you are interested in sewing or supporting from a far, check out our sew at home page!

Mooncatcher kits are made in . . .

  • Alabama 

  • Alaska

  • Arizona

  • California 

  • Colorado

  • Connecticut 

  • Georgia 

  • Maine

  • Maryland 

  • Massachusetts 

  • Minnesota 

  • New Hampshire 

  • New York 

  • Oregon 

  • Tennessee

  • Virginia

  • Washington