Girls in Andhra Predesh School in Delhi receive MoonCatcher Kits
in fall 2018…
The MoonCatcher Project partnered with the Shashi Kiran Charitable Trust of Delhi, India to launch a sewing center in New Delhi, where 5 employees produced up to 2,000 kits per month. providing a free, eco-friendly solution to menstrual management. The Shashi Kiran Trust has trained over 100 government teachers to deliver our curriculum. They have delivered kits to school girls in Manipur State, Nepal and West Bengal as well as in the region of New Delhi.
Sadly, the building which housed our sewing center was sold recently and the center had to be closed. Stored kits continue to be delivered to girls in remote parts of the country by the Shashi Kiran Charitable Trust.
We are grateful to this wonderful organization for its work to end period poverty in India!
In this video a teacher at a school in India spoke with some girls about their experience using MoonCatcher pads.