Woman with a Purpose tailors in Wakiso, Uganda wearing our brand new shirts made by ooshirts!
It all started in africA…
Our first MoonCatcher kits were delivered in Uganda in 2011. Today, The MoonCatcher Project has made an impact on girls in more than 20 countries in Africa.
KENYA - Coordinated by Jacky Okoth and Bella Okoth, the Kisumu sewing cooperatives make kits and distribute them to girls in area schools. Bella and Jacky teach girls about menstrual management and reproductive health.
MALAWI - We have two sewing cooperatives in Malawi that are overseen by Olipa Kamanga. MoonCatcher kits are distributed to girls in area schools. Olipa and our Mzuzu partner Emanuel teach girls about menstrual and reproductive health.
UGANDA - Phoebe Nabwami worked with Ellie in 2015 to open the very first MoonCatcher sewing cooperative in Wakiso. Now she oversees four sewing cooperatives and one soap making cooperative. A bar of soap is included in each kit made in Uganda. Phoebe, her assistant, Tabitha and several other trained instructors, distribute the kits and provide the education. Girls learn about menstrual and reproductive health and Phoebe has also included the boys in each of her schools. She decided that the boys need to be part of the solution.
Rema is a tailor at the Wasiko, Uganda sewing co-op. Here she talks about her work.
NIGERIA AND ZIMBABWE are home to sewing cooperatives that, through guidance from The MoonCatcher Project, started making MoonCatchers Kits to distribute to school girls. They too teach girls about menstrual and reproductive health.
LIBERIA: MCP works with Gyabolanders & Friends-US, Inc, Liberia to provide MoonCatcher Kits and reproductive health information to girls in seven schools in several communities and towns in Garraway/Gyaboland, Grand Kru County, Liberia, West Africa.
RWANDA: MCP has developed a collaborative relationship with Gifts Rwanda to work toward developing an independent MoonCatcher presence there.
mooncatcher kit distribution
We work with Rotary Clubs, service and faith organizations and individuals who have embraced our mission to keep girls in school and have distributed our kits to 30 more countries in Africa including: Benin, Botswana,, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, and Togo.