Summer Work
My garden has been swamped. What a wet Summer it’s been. I’ve taken some days to weed, plant some late veggies and enjoy the outdoors.
Charlotte began working with us as the new Assistant Executive Director on August first. What a joy! She has already been sprucing up our curriculum to make it easier to use and ready for distribution to teachers in Uganda. Soon she’ll take over more of our social media content and help with MoonBees and presentations. We are so happy to have her with us on staff.
Charlotte with students in Malawi, April 2023.
Charlotte and I have been Zooming with the Scotia Rotary and the Ugandan Rotary about the implementation of the Global Grant we were awarded this year. We are navigating the needs of each of our groups and coming to understandings about how to move forward. This grant will provide MoonCatcher kits to girls in 20 schools in Uganda and sewing supplies to 2 schools along with training for students on how to make our kit.
We are going to Fayetteville, New York next weekend to do a MoonCatcher presentation and talk about how the United Methodist Church in Fayetteville and The MoonCatcher Project can collaborate.
MoonBees are being scheduled for Fall. Check out our calendar for more information.
In Africa, all our sewing guilds have been busy making kits and after this present school break, kit distribution dates will be set up. Jacky in Kenya along with our new sewing partner Bella were able to go to Bishop Linus Okok Girls secondary school last week before schools closed for the break. They distributed 200 kits along with teaching Menstrual Management and Reproductive Health
We’ve been sending supplies to home sewers, organizing files and doing general tidying up this month in preparation for a busy Autumn
I hope everyone has been having a restful fun Summer.