On our way!
March 4: I’m on the plane to Brussels! The MoonCatcher trip to Uganda and Kenya is underway. Our plans changed last week. Maureen had to cancel due to health concerns. I hope anyone reading this will send good vibes, positive energy, white light, prayers, whatever feels right to you for her.
Helen Penna, my sweet friend who has been working hard with her husband, Lon Penna, to get us a Global Rotary grant for Uganda has stepped in to come with me on this trip. She had exactly one week to get a yellow fever shot, visa, airline ticket and pack her bags. I am blessed and so grateful that Helen has stepped up to help carry these big heavy 50-pound bags and follow Phoebe and me around as we fulfill all the promises that Maureen, Phoebe and I have made to our friends in Uganda and Kenya.
I am so grateful to Helen for joining me on this visit!
I just watched Maiden, the movie about the women who sailed around the world. Why is it, that in this day and age, people still don’t think women can do extraordinary things. Or is it that we are just scared of their power? I’m confused. After watching this movie, I sat here crying and thinking about The MoonCatcher Project. Of course, I’ll never really know what will happen to all these girls who will stay in school because of this simple menstrual kit that we are giving them, but it occurs to me that they could do things that the world thinks girls can’t do. Like the women who sailed that boat around the world, they may fulfill dreams that we can’t even imagine, and they will change the world in important ways because they will have the opportunity to realize their dreams. Phoebe teaches them to be comfortable, confident and in control.
I just watched Maiden, the movie about the women who competed in a grueling nine-month long, 33,000 mile yachting competition around the world. Why is it, that in this day and age, people still don’t think women can do extraordinary things. Or is it that we are just scared of their power? I’m confused. After watching this movie, I sat here crying and thinking about The MoonCatcher Project. Of course, I’ll never really know what will happen to all these girls who will stay in school because of this simple menstrual kit that we are giving them, but it occurs to me that they could do things that the world thinks girls can’t do. Like the women who sailed that boat around the world, they may fulfill dreams that we can’t even imagine, and they will change the world in important ways when they will have the opportunity to realize their dreams. Phoebe teaches them to be comfortable, confident and in control.
We are off on an adventure to support these girls; to let them know we believe in them and will continue to fight for their futures. And we’ll talk to boys too and ask them to join us in this struggle.
I’m going to try to catch a few winks. This is a long flight.