Neary 14,000 Masks
I think we are closing in on this mask making effort. I can almost see my couch after assembling and distributing pile after 50-piece pile of mask rectangles to sewers all over the Capital District and beyond. The requests still come in but have slowed down so maybe we’ll finish up the pieces we have and hope we don’t have a recurrence. Most of us can easily purchase masks these days – but for those who cannot, we continue to provide them.
Window masks allow others to read lips safely.
It has been an amazing time. Over 300 volunteers have been cutting, sewing and delivering mask supplies and to date we’ve completed nearly 14,000, including window masks for those who work or live with people with hearing challenges and need to have their lips seen. We have also made hundreds of kids masks. Yesterday was the first day since mid-March that my porch furniture was empty of coming and going materials. We could sit out there and have early evening cocktails in the lingering sunshine.
We receive thank you letters in the mail daily from medical centers, nurses, hospital staff, homeless shelters, senior housing and so many others. It’s humbling to know how much this little piece of fabric is valued and that people are so grateful. Thank you to everyone for whatever part you’ve played in this effort. I am overwhelmed by your generosity, hard work and good spirits.
A special thank you to the “MoonBeams” ( you know who you are), the core group of innovators and sewers who fill the immediate, “can we have it by tomorrow,” orders and text each other during the day to check in, ask questions and laugh with each other. They have been god sent.
You all have. I bow to each of you.