Malawi Day 13: Shopping for MoonCatcher Supplies
It’s hot and muggy today and really the first time it’s felt like this here.
We started the day visiting with Yvonne, a woman we met through Mary six years ago. She runs an organization called Fund a Girl and we’ve provided MoonCatcher kits to her program several times over the years, It was nice to see her again and to catch up on her life.
Charlotte, Yvonne, Ellie and Olipa
Next, we went to the Lilongwe market to start finding kit supplies. Olipa has a system. The fabric for the carriers and drawstring bags comes from the same vendor every time but the other supplies vary according to the price. Olipa shuttles back and forth between vendors to find the best deal. The shoelace store was the craziest as the building housed hundreds of tiny shops all crowded next to each other, busy and noisy. It was fun to watch the hustle and bustle though and we couldn’t resist buying a few two-meter pieces of fabric for ourselves.
We loaded everything into the car as we shopped but by the time we were ready to drive away another car had blocked us in. So we sat and listened to the sounds of the street and watched the outside vendors hawk their wares. Eventually we were freed and we drove off to a small food market to buy soya and magic orange puffs. Charlotte likened them to packing peanuts and I thought they tasted somewhat like rice cakes. We had seen them everywhere for the whole trip and decided we couldn’t leave without a taste. I think we’ve fulfilled our mission and won’t need to buy them again. Oilpa’s kids were delighted to help finish the bag.
We got back early enough to play multiple games of hide and seek and for Charlotte to give all the children airplane rides over and over. We played clapping hand games and did some artwork and hopefully will ensure deep sleep for all.
Tomorrow, we leave for home. It’s been a good trip but it’s always nice to “be back in our own land” as my son used to say. I’ll be on a plane for a million hours so probably won’t write an entry tomorrow but I’ll try again once the jet lag subsides next week. Thank you to everyone for all of your help and ongoing support.