Malawi Day 1: Arrival

My sweet sister Trish brought us to Dulles airport on Saturday to start the long trek to Malawi. ( Thanks Trishie) We each had empty seats next to us throughout the journey and that helped make the flights seem less claustrophobic and also made it possible to get a little sleep. Debarking in Ethiopia we were amazed at the majestic clouds over Addis Ababa. The air felt fresh and crisp after airplane stuffiness and the mountains beyond that huge city made us want to explore that country. Maybe next time!

In Malawi, we were hit with soft warm air as we got off the plane and I found the glorious row of yellow blossomed trees that I look for every time I come here. Maybe this time I’ll find out their name. Olipa, our incredible partner in Malawi and the person who makes things happen here, met us at the airport. I gave her some US dollars to exchange for Malawian kwachas and finally met her husband and four children after having heard about them for years. What a delight to see her after three years and to hold her newest addition, baby James.

We left for Mthuntama in a big bus that held all the high school kids that are traveling with Bridges to Malawi the group that we too are tagging along with. Dr Brian Lisse has been bringing students interested in the medical world to Malawi for years, to give them a taste of medicine in countries that don’t have what we are used to in the US. It’s an amazing and eye-opening experience for them.

We all gathered at Peter and Jacky’s new house for tea and conversation before finding our host families. Brian asked Charlotte and me to talk about MCP and we got into a lively discussion about menstruation around the world and starting a project you’re passionate about. These are very cool kids who are so very excited about this adventure.  Some of them may come watch The MoonCatcher Project in action on Tuesday when we go to 4 schools in this area and distribute our kits and curriculum.

We finally landed at Andy and Alice’s house. In other words, “our home away from home”, in Malawi. I’ve been here 3 other times, so they know us and are happy to have us return. Alice made a delicious vegetarian meal for us with things Alice remembered me liking. So sweet.

After a hot basin of water (and a cold one too for mixing together) for bathing after all that travel and we are happy to fall into bed.

Let the adventure begin!

Ellie von Wellsheim