Day 10 Uganda: Working with Juliet

I heard rain during the night but woke up to warm sunny weather and was pleased that we wouldn’t have to battle the rain all day. This little house where we are staying is so nice, with a lovely courtyard and sweet front porch with chairs for watching the birds and just relaxing.

Phoebe came to pick us up for our day of training with Juliet and her ArtVism group. They want to learn to make MoonCatcher kits to help girls and women in a village on Lake Victoria that is in dire need of supplies. We spent the day teaching how to cut, sew and use the kits. It was fun to be with these amazing women who were so eager to learn about the project. We laughed and worked together and when we finished, they invited us to each choose a pair of earrings to take home with us.

I loved seeing Juliet again. Maureen and I had met her years ago at Hippoz Hotel, where we used to stay, and started a friendship that has endured. It’s a delight to see her when we visit. She and I stay connected via WhatsApp when we can.

Once our training was over, we all went to dinner together and were able to talk and catch up about each other’s lives.

Phoebe drove us back to our little home away from home, through insane traffic and over rutted bumpy roads. I had to close my eyes a few times but she’s a pro and we made it back safely.

Off to shower (we just learned how to make the water hot) and then to bed. What a sweet day!

Ellie von Wellsheim