A safer and better life
As I sit down to write today, I can feel that crisp autumn air that suggests the cold is on its way. The leaves are spectacular this year. My husband, son and I went for a hike in the Helderbergs, at Thatcher Park, and couldn’t stop pointing out each, ever more glorious, red, orange or gold tree. They really seem to shimmer this year.
I walk to stay sane or, at least, to try to stay sane. One hour every morning to start my day. COVID-19 and elections are too much on my mind and it takes some effort to focus on all the good surrounding me.
But The MoonCatcher Project makes this easier. We are providing work to all of our sewing guilds again. There is a dip in donations, so we have a bit less in funding than usual. Our tailors are grateful, and the schoolgirls’ smiles send messages of love and relief. They can move through their communities, every day of the month, because of the generosity of our donors.
One of the wonderful MoonCatcher Wakiso, Uganda tailors.
Schoolgirls in Malawi with their new MoonCatcher Kits — you can see the smiles even though they wear masks.
I worry about the fear some of us have that helping others leaves less for ourselves. How can we sleep at night if we don’t do our best to aid suffering people? People crossing borders to find a safer life and basic needs are part of our world family. Every religion and all loving people profess the need to care for the poor and suffering. The MoonCatcher Project has been asked to help migrant shelters at the Mexican border and Native American reservations by providing menstrual kits. We are grateful to be able to do this.
Many thanks go out to the Craft Futures Fund for providing seed money for us to serve Native Americans living on reservations in the US.
We continue to distribute masks as well. For several weeks this fall we revved up our mask making production. We’ve been able to fill the requests of organizations that are reopening. We now have some back up so can continue to say, yes, when asked for help.
One of the many organizations we have been able to help thanks to our generous donors and volunteers.
SEND A HUG! I love this project. A team of MoonCatcher “brainstormers” got together and made this happen. We have the sweetest card to send telling those you love that during this time when you can’t touch each other, “You’ve been hugged.” My nine brothers and sisters live far away. I miss them but I love that I can send every one of them this card.
Join me!
Click here to visit the HUGS page!
I continue to conduct ZOOM presentations for groups that had hoped for MoonBees. I’m slowly learning how to navigate the technology. It’s great to have my tech savvy son around for this. Some of these groups take totes of supplies to cut in their socially distanced groups. One group has offered to be the “guinea pig” for an online class in how to make MoonCatcher kits. If we can make that work, it may open up more production for the new US connections we are making.
We are entering this year’s giving season. We’re trying to be creative and safe. If anyone has any ideas about how we can continue to raise funds in order to change the lives of girls, please, let us know. Thank you!
AND … remember to VOTE!