A Change in Plans

I woke up the other day not being able to easily get out of bed or walk across the room. I’ve twisted and turned my poor back and can barely walk much less sit in a plane for 15 hours. I kept waiting to feel better, went to see the osteopath and iced and heated the affected area diligently but yesterday morning I decided, after lots of angst, that trying to go to Uganda was not going to be possible right now. It feels like I’m letting lots of people down though every single reply to my emails about this change of plans has been answered with understanding and concern. We will reschedule once I feel better.

I believe in life lessons. There are probably more here than I now understand but I’m thinking this has something to do with letting go of control and “going with the flow.” Always that MoonCatcher lesson to remember.

Let me tell you what has been happening though. We’ve had a bunch of MoonBees and some presentations and people from all over the country are reaching out to us, asking to be part of this project. In Uganda Phoebe, our partner extraordinaire, is going to go to Kasese, the forgotten area in Uganda where we have begun to send our kits.

We are gearing up for our visit to Malawi in April and working with a Canadian group that has asked us to provide kits for 150 students in a school near Mtunthama, Malawi where we have our sewing guild. 

Completed kits ready to go.

Completed kits ready to go.

March 28 is our annual Birthday Bash at Congregation Gates of Heaven in Schenectady. Once again we will collect disposable pads and tampons for people in our own community. We have a link on Amazon for people who can’t come to the party and want to contribute. I’ve been receiving boxes of supplies from people all over the country. My back porch is beginning to look like the Rite Aid isle filled with menstrual products. I’m delighted.

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If anyone reading this knows of anyone going to Uganda or Kenya in the next month or so and can carry some of our supplies, we’d appreciate that. Meanwhile I’ll be taking it slowly and doing MoonCatcher work from the couch for a while.


Ellie von Wellsheim