March 4, 2018 Day 8 Uganda

Pisie and Tony left today and my dear friend and every year companion to Uganda is back home sick in bed with the flu. So, I now start the next part of this journey alone. Well, that’s not really true, because Phoebe will be with me and various other Ugandan and Kenyan friends along the way. Never the less, I will miss Maureen.

We spent the day doing the last of Pisie and Tony’s filming. We woke to torrential rains making it too loud to jump right in and start recording. It was hard to hear each other speak above the sound of the water slamming against the metal roofs. We took photos of our favorite hotel staff members and Pisie gave them polaroid photos of themselves which they loved.

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So, because we couldn’t do interviews they filmed me painting a picture of the scene outside the 3rd floor balcony. Pisie had asked me to bring a canvas and some paint and because of weight limitations I brought just 4 tubes of color, 3 brushes and a tiny little board to paint on. We borrowed a plate for a palette and I stole the bathroom cup from Pisie’s room for water. It was fun and has gone home with Tony and Pisie as their Uganda souvenir.

By 1:00 the rain let up and we set to work doing interviews first with Phoebe, then me and then a short thank you to our donors from the two of us. By 4:30 we were on the road to Entebbe to bring Pi and Tony to the airport.

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It was hard for me to see them go. We’ve had such an incredible and productive week and it was exciting to see how a filming project goes together. I know they were improvising due to lack of equipment and more help but they were cheerful in spite of all this and graciously told me they had a life changing experience. I will miss them and so will Phoebe.

Tomorrow we will shop for supplies for our sewing guilds and get ready to leave for Jinja the following day.

Ellie von Wellsheim